Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Birds and the Bees

A while back Julie gave the girls "The Talk". Let's just say that the girls were shocked and a little more than disgusted by the whole idea. If I remember correctly Fred asked Julie "Grown ups like that?" Julie may be able to expound on that part of the story.

My part came a couple weeks later we had finished our usual Sunday dinner at Grandma Nae's house. Fred and her little cousin were watching "Shrek the Third" on Grandma's bed. I was checking on them and got sucked in.

The scene was where Shrek, Donkey and Puss were sailing off to find some guy. Just as they left Shrek's wife shouted that she was pregnant. Shrek is stunned and starts to panic. He has a dream where little shrek babies are coming from everywhere. Through the doors. Through the windows and through the fireplace. The room was filling up with little shreks. Shrek wakes from the dream and Donkey and Puss are there. He confides with them that he is nervous and says to himself "How did this happen?" Puss trying to be helpful says "Well, when a man loves a woman..." Shrek cuts him off saying "I know how it happens" and he wanders off mumbling to himself. Donkey looks and Puss and says "How does that happen?"

At this point Fred looks at her little cousin who was, I think, about 4 at the time and says "I know how it happens and it is disgusting."

Needless to say I made a hasty exit not wanting them to notice the tears building up in my eyes and the fits of laughter that was about to burst my lungs.

I cannot wait for Fred to get married so I can remind her about her feelings on the subject of the birds and the bees.

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