Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not-so Grown Up

A little while ago, Charlie and I were having a conversation about describing children by different titles. I told him that Baby was not really a "baby" anymore, but more a "toddler." Fred is considered a "tween," Harriet is a "big girl," George is probably now a "big boy," and he's probably a "little boy."

He thought those labels were probably mostly okay, but he told me that he was still kind of a toddler. I told him that last year he was a "preschooler" and that toddler comes before preschooler, so really he's not in the toddler category anymore. But he insisted that he is still a little bit of a toddler. Curious, I asked him why he thought that.

His answer, "Cause I still think lots of things are mine."

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